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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Hmmmmmmm... (Verse 2)

On 4/5/2021 4:11 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> I pulled out the dishwasher to see what kind of connections I needed
> to replace with a new one - like if some asshole welded on the water
> inlet line. Nope - copper tube screw-on w/hardwired electrical.
> Then I see this little pamphlet sticking out from on top of one of
> motors and I unfold it and the first thing I see is "If the motor
> just hmmmmmmmmm's.:". Oh shit, you mean I may be able to fix this
> damned thing?
> I reached down into the sump and pulled outg a piece of plastic that
> obviously been there for 20+ years, now with washed smooth edges
> from water and detergent erosion. I think it was part of an orange
> peeler, but not sure.
> But the real culprit was probably the semi-rigid plastic EKG lead
> that blocked the grinder/drain intake.
> So good as new now! But I kinda wanted a new dishwasher, but I'll
> save the $700 and live with this one for another 33 years. Probably
> just go buy a bunch of domains I'll never use instead.
> And last year when my shower drain was plugged I pulled out one of
> these style EKG leads with a coat hanger. These foam ones are a
> bitch and they hide them on your body in places you can't see.
> Moral of the story is, these EKG leads will kill you! And why do
> they hide a service pamphlet inside the dishwasher motor assembly
> and not reference it in the user manual? ****ers.
> -sw

Glad you go it going again.

The real moral of the story is to not bathe in the dishwasher after and