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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On 4/6/2021 12:24 AM, Allan Rogers wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 22:58:08 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> On 4/5/2021 6:31 PM, Byker wrote:
>>> Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save planet, dismisses
>>> "crazy
>>> conspiracies about vaccines & 5G
>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away €ścrazy€ť conspiracy theories about
>>> himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an "Ask Me Anything session on
>>> Reddit, where he promoted his new book and sung the praises of synthetic
>>> meat.
>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on Friday,
>>> doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change in the process.
>>> However, it didnt take long before netizens pressed him on
>>> conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in a shadowy plot to
>>> implant microchips in unwitting vaccine recipients.
>>> €śI am innocent!€ť Gates protested, adding €śThe whole thing about 5G and
>>> microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?€ť

>>> Bill Gates wants "rich nations to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to save
>>> the
>>> planet
>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on climate
>>> change €“ another area where theories about Gates run rampant €“ the former
>>> Microsoft exec said that €śfortunately,€ť growth slows €śwhen countries
>>> improve
>>> health and get to middle income levels.€ť

>> He really does make some sense. We can't keep burning fossil fuels and
>> expect to keep feeding more people.
>> As a society we waste much of our limited resources.

> People like you enable Gates. Do some independent research on the guy,
> going back at least 30 years. He makes sense? Funny how he has
> positioned himself in the past 20 years to profit from vaccines,
> 'health' and buying up America's agricultural land.

Perhaps you should be smart enough to profit from these things. No
matter how much he potentially makes, the fact that our natural
resources will run out and we can only support so many people does not

What is your solution?