On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 08:18:28 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> Gates has been a nasty competitor in the technology area but he is doing
>> a lot of good now. More than his critics have.
>I attribute that to his wife. She probably told him to start sharing
>some of the wealth (that they didn't need) and repair his reputation.
You're just guessing. Why? There is plenty of factual information on
the Internet about Gates, going back to the early days. Gates saw the
limitations of Microsoft and saw his future in vaccines and
agriculture. He wants to (and is succeeding) in dominating both
fields. People like you buy into his manufactured image. Remember his
older, REAL public image? It wasn't good. For a good reason.
Why is this guy suddenly the arbiter of what happens to billions of
people across the planet? Why did the Indian government, including the
opposition, ALL agree to kick him out of India for illegal testing on
humans (he has so much power, he's back in India via other means)?
Hundreds of thousands of lives ruined by his polio vaccines in Africa.
No mainstream media coverage...............
The real Dr. Bruce posts with uni-berlin.de - individual.net