Good news for vegans and Hindoos
On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 19:49:27 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 4/7/2021 6:12 PM, Dr. Bruce wrote:
>> On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 17:01:16 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>> Yes. It's a great vaccine. We all still have to wear masks and social
>>>> distance. REMARKABLE how these 'tested and approved in 6 months
>>>> vaccines' involve continuing a protocol implying the vaccine is
>>>> ineffective. UNLIKE every other vaccine that was tested and developed
>>>> correctly.
>>> When more are vaccinated restrictions can be eased. If nothing else,
>>> vaccines have eliminated hospitalizations and death for those
>>> vaccinated. Good enough for me.
>> Has it? Are you sure? This info has been comfirmed from a wide range
>> of sources? What of those who have had negative side effects? I guess
>> none of them never went to hospital.
>Yes, easy for you to find if you want to look.
>>> Brazil had over 4000 deaths yesterday with no restrictions.
>> Out of 221 million people. LOL. Perspective means nothing to blue pill
>> people.
>Showing your ignorance here. The US with a population of 100 million
>more has a 7 day average of 788. Yeah, that puts it into proper
LOL, no. We were discussing Brazil. Moving goal posts won't work.
And same applies to the US anyway.
>>> Maybe you'd
>>> fit in better down there.
>> Or maybe you can deal with a fellow countryman having a different
>> opinion to yours. If you don't like democracy, maybe it's you who
>> should move.
>Oh, did I hurt your feelings fake Bruce? Sorry I did not know you were
>so sensitive.
Haha, now your tone changes. I was wondering at what point that would
happen (when you failed to think up a reasoned response). Your
projection failed.
The real Dr. Bruce posts with -