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Default This happen to anyone?

"j.j." wrote:
> Hark! I heard Katra > say:
> <snip>
> > Frankly, even if it did, the floor is FAR easier to clean than taking
> > the burners apart and trying to get any burned on gunk out of the inside
> > of the stove...

> Hmmm, I have an electric stove -- the cooktop lifts up (like a car
> hood) so I don't have to remove the burners to clean. Still, I'd rather
> have a gas stove if I could get natural gas here. Maybe in a few more
> years...
> --
> j.j. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
> heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

I had a stove like that when I lived in Temple. :-) It came with the
apt. I was renting at the time... Most stoves don't do that tho'. It
WAS very nice!

I grew up with gas and it has some real advantages, but quite frankly,
I'm afraid of it now... When I went looking for a house, I told the real
estate agent "all electric". :-)

I just really really really LOVE my glass top stove for a number of
reasons! :-)

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