Posted to talk.politics.misc,,,,
Good news for vegans and Hindoos
cshenk wrote:
> Don Shenkenberger wrote:
>> On 4/7/2021 6:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>> Jerry Sauk wrote:
>>>> "Byker" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
>>>>> interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
>>>>> oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick
>>>>> sirloin any day...
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ---- ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat
>>>>> to save planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines
>>>>> & 5G
>>>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
>>>>> theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an
>>>>> 'Ask Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new
>>>>> book and sung the praises of synthetic meat.
>>>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
>>>>> Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate
>>>>> change in the process. However, it didn't take long before
>>>>> netizens pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he
>>>>> is involved in a shadowy plot to implant microchips in
>>>>> unwitting vaccine recipients.
>>>>> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about
>>>>> 5G and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
>>>>> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a
>>>>> "huge issue," observing that "Some false information is more
>>>>> interesting than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify
>>>>> echo chambers with bad facts." =
>>>>> The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues
>>>>> of synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as
>>>>> a "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint."
>>>>> He has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
>>>>> suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to
>>>>> "100-percent synthetic beef."
>>>>> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
>>>>> interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
>>>>> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC
>>>>> beef to save the planet
>>>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
>>>>> climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
>>>>> rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately,"
>>>>> growth slows "when countries improve health and get to middle
>>>>> income levels."
>>>>> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for
>>>>> health, education and good governance," he went on, forecasting
>>>>> that the world population would peak at 10 billion so long as
>>>>> world powers are "generous to the poorest countries."
>>>>> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change
>>>>> is not tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large
>>>>> population if it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an
>>>>> massive outflow of migration from areas made "unlivable" by
>>>>> the rising temperatures.
>>>> This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
>>>> alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.
>>> This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!
>> You just replied to five groups you stupid ****.
> I did NOT, Mr AIOE forger.
You really are as dumb as a stump!
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