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Hank Rogers[_4_] Hank Rogers[_4_] is offline
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Default I have a DAMNED secure JOB!

Dr. Bruce wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 4/14/2021 6:02 PM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
>>> No one is buying either *I'm not the narcissist. Bryan is the
>>> narcissist*. And they're also not buying "I'm not the pervert.
>>> Bryan is the pervert*.

> I'm buying it, especially the first statement.
>>>> Bryan actually wishes he had ANY Bachelor Degrees when I have
>>>> THREE! CS, EE and Nursing.
>>> They also don't believe that I wish that I had a Bachelor's Degree.

>>>> Poor UNeducated Bryan! :-(
>>> I'm not uneducated, and I don't care about the prestige of having a
>>> Bachelor's Degree. You're the one who begs to be respected. I was
>>> never competitive with you, and I never measured myself against you.
>>> --Bryan

>> His degrees don't amount to anything. Computer Science? He couldn't
>> even figure out how to use the new Google interface. He couldn't
>> figure out how to find a photo-hosting web site to post his pathetic
>> pictures. (I'd like to thwap the person who told him about
>> with a trout!)
>> As you pointed out in another reply, and many others over the course
>> of 2020 also told him, he could have stepped up at the start of the
>> Covid-19 pandemic. "Hey, I'm a Registered Nurse looking for work.
>> How can I help?" Nope, he didn't do that. That, to me, says more
>> about his [lack of character] than any ancient Usenet text you keep
>> dragging up.

> Did't you have a strong preference for food related posts? John's not
> edible, you know.

Still sniffing old biddie's assholes master doctor?

Snort it up.