Thread: Lunch 14-4-21
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Lucretia Borgia Lucretia Borgia is offline
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Default Lunch 14-4-21

On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 09:30:34 -0600, Graham > wrote:

>On 2021-04-14 9:05 p.m., US Janet wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 18:43:12 -0600, Graham > wrote:
>>> On 2021-04-14 2:54 p.m., US Janet wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 12:38:49 -0600, Graham > wrote:
>>>>> A simple ploughman's lunch of bread, Cheddar cheese and pickled onions.
>>>>> Delicious meals needn't be elaborate:-)
>>>> That is a simple lunch around here too.
>>>> to complete it for me, I would need pickles and perhaps mustard
>>>> Janet US
>>> These days if you order a ploughman's lunch in a pub in the UK, it
>>> consists of the proper bread, cheese and pickled onions, but then they
>>> add Branston Pickle (which is really a sweet chutney) and salad both of
>>> which clash!
>>> When i was at uni, my friend and I would go for a short hike in the
>>> Dales finishing up at a pub. There, with pints of bitter, we'd eat
>>> bread, cheese and my mother's pickled onions. My mouth is watering at
>>> the memory.

>> That sounds like a very happy memory.
>> A favorite sandwich of mine (sometimes for a midnight snack) is
>> bread, butter, cheddar cheese, sliced onion, sliced dill pickles and
>> mustard) That's a childhood thing that never went away.
>> Janet US

>My memories as a child of mustard are not good. It was the fiery
>Colman's, of course. The original Colman's mill was only about 30 miles
>away and my Father took me to it while I was still in elementary school.
>It was situated by the river so that barges could deliver the seeds. Of
>course the firm has long been swallowed up by one of those food

I remember as a kid my parents having two US parents and the kid about
same age as me down to our cottage for the weekend. My father did
some hot dogs (with him in mind we didn't generally eat them) and he
jumped at them, then took a big spoonful of Colmans mustard and
smeared it on. I was trying to tell him, warn him it was not like US
mustard but he persisted, so I let him. He was determined to eat it
and not let it show that I was right. So I sat and watched him chew
and sweat