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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default My Stimulus Splurge...Tomatoes

On 2021-04-16 1:51 p.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, April 16, 2021 at 1:36:23 PM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:

>> I am surprised to hear how many people say they prefer showers to baths
>> and would rather had a shower stall than a tub. I like the idea of a
>> stall for showering, but I like to have a bath once in a while. I find
>> them therapeutic. They are good for soothing sore muscles. I just hope
>> that my shoulder does not deteriorate much more. I am not sure if it is
>> arthritis or my rotator cuff, but it is starting to get more painful to
>> hoist myself up out of the tub.

> I am surprised to hear how many people have any interest in baths. I
> started showering in 7th grade and wished I'd started sooner. If we
> didn't have a hot tub (filtered and brominated), I'd never soak in hot water.
> We tore out our bathtub in 2015 and replaced it with a shower.

A hot tub would suit my purposes. I don't have the room for one in my
house, and I don't want to have to go outside for a soak in the middle
of January.

I used to have an athletic membership at my old university and it was
just two miles from where I worked. I used to go in and swim for a half
hour or so and then soak in the very hot jacuzzi. It recharged my
batteries to get me through a shift on a cold night. I later switched
to the YMCA where there was a nice jacuzzi, but it was a half hour drive
from home. Then I switched to the new Y just 3 miles from here. No
Jacuzzi. They have a "swirl pool" only 96F. It's bad enough that it was
nowhere near hot enough, but they let little kids in it. I know what
those guys do in hot water.