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Sqwertz[_53_] Sqwertz[_53_] is offline
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Default Less booze at work. Not PC enough?

On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:30:22 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:

> On 2021-04-16 10:52 a.m., Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 07:15:21 -0700 (PDT), GM wrote:

>> I get the LG Rebel 4's for $10/ea. They say refurbished, but they're
>> always brand new.

> Sometimes people buy things and don't like them for one reason or
> another and they end up being sold as refurbished. I have bought a
> couple of refurbished items online over the last few months. One of them
> is this desk top I am using. It was less than half price and it is
> working great. I have no issues at all with it. I also bought a
> Cuisinart Stand mixer. They sell for close to $400-500 around her but I
> got it for $229.

These come with battery, phone, backplate,m and SIM still in factory
bags and factory screen peel-off covering. No fingerprints or
scratches, mint condition always.

Actually my current one is LG Journey. Slightly better resolution
and battery, but still was only $10. I have two LG Rebel 4's, one
new, one slightly used as backups. You can swap service from phone
to phone in a couple minutes if you break, lose, or forget one
someplace (and then back again when you retrieve it).

I don't understand why people spend $100's on a single phone.
Needless to say, I don't panic like most people when I lose or break
my phone. Then again, I don't run my life with my smartphone and
don't store anything sensitive or important on it.
