Thread: Beef Braciola.
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Gal Called J.J.
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One time on Usenet, (Curly Sue) said:


> I am living with it how I will. Which means I will continue to point
> out significant inaccuracies when I see them. Luca did not come
> "storming in"; he posted a very nice introductory message in September
> and has been contributing quite peacefully since then. However, that
> is all forgotten

No argument there.

> because he had the nerve to disagree with Victor.
> Now Luca is going to be made into a monster ("xenophobe," "racist,"
> "bigot," "caricature of Italian stereotypes") so that we can feel
> righteous when we pile on top of him until he stops breathing.

I can't agree, Sue; it wasn't that Luca "had the nerve to disagree
with Victor", but that he became so very defensive and rude when
Victor questioned him about his statement that "Brasato comes from
"brace" (ember) and is made with meat". (See the "Ping: Luca" thread).
Granted, I believe a case could be made for Luca's not having English
as his first lanquage and I doubt I would have taken his comment as
literally as Victor did. But *Luca* fired the opening salvo of name
calling with this:


"No, I think you are an idiot.
A person so narrow minded that has the head jut to keep the ears apart.
You can go on eating your damn recipes, thinking that spaghetti with
meatballs are italian and that pasta is called macaroni.
You are in my BS list."

Up until then, Victor was firm in his debate, but still generally
polite, and in my mind, he didn't deserve the above diatribe. After
that, the discussion could go nowhere but downhill...

J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"I rule you!" - Travis of the Cosmos, ATHF