Less booze at work. Not PC enough?
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 4/16/2021 11:21 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> >
> >
> > Some people love to talk on the phone. My mother did and my son
> > seems to have inherited that trait from her.* I am more like my
> > father. He used the phone to communicate messages, not for
> > conversations.
> >
> > My son has bad cell phone reception by his house, only a block from
> > the lake. He gets much better reception in his car. He often calls
> > me on his way to work and he can chat the whole way there.
> >
> > A few years ago I reconnected with an old friend and we became
> > quite close. He calls almost every day, sometimes two or three
> > times. I also have a nephew who calls every week or two and talks
> > for an hour or more. It's nice to hear from them but I am just not
> > used to that.
> >
> >
> > I will check my cell phone if it rings while I am out. I may or may
> > not answer, depending on what I am doing. I have to wonder about
> > people I see walking around in town or in malls with a phone glued
> > to their ear.
> Just got off the phone with one of my friends. About 1 1/2 hours.
> We talk about one a week. Not sure I'd want to talk to someone every
> day though a series of short calls is probably the same time I spend
> once a week.
If someone wanted to talk to me on the phone for 1.5 hour, I'd hire a
hitman to take them out.
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