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Lucretia Borgia Lucretia Borgia is offline
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Posts: 654
Default My Stimulus Splurge...Tomatoes

On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 16:35:50 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 4/16/2021 7:18 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Friday, April 16, 2021 at 7:09:55 AM UTC-4, Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 20:03:36 -0500, "cshenk"
>>> > wrote:

>>>> Yup! For me, a 'comfort height' is a lower one. At now 5ft (I've
>>>> shrunk due to spinal damage by 1.5 inches), 18 inches is best. They
>>>> have those really high ones in the disability stalls in bathrooms. I
>>>> end up perched with my feet dangling in the air.
>>>> It's a real trial getting a GOOD computer chair too. The manufacturers
>>>> are so concerned about 6ft5in people, they forget there are more 5ft or
>>>> so folks than them.
>>> That's a load of crap! If I draw in a big breath and hold it, I can
>>> measure to 5' 1" and if you have knee or hip problems those 70s low
>>> rise toilets are ghastly! The manufacturers are NOT concerned with 6'
>>> 5" people, they are rightly catching up with the many people who have
>>> skeletal problems. I can only think if your feet are 'dangling' then
>>> you must be somehow wrongly proportioned with short legs or something.

>> "Wrongly proportioned"? There's no "wrong".
>> And 6'5" referred to computer chairs, not toilets.
>> Cindy Hamilton

>Still, most computer chairs are adjustable. I'm 5'3" and the
>inexpensive chair I have can be raised up really high or set really low.

Mine was about $125 and I can adjust the height, the tilt etc. They
are very adjustable.