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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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On 17/04/2021 21:55, Dr. Bruce wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 4/17/2021 10:26 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2021-04-17 7:39 a.m., Gary wrote:
>>>> That's not so good. Thread drift happens all the time and you'll
>>>> lose many different conversations that have nothing to do with
>>>> the original subject.
>>> It's more for cross posted stuff. Some jackass in a different group
>>> decides to post to multiple groups for optimal trolling effect.
>>> Then you get all the responses coming from all those different
>>> groups. Cross posted stuff usually starts off as crap and goes
>>> downhill from there.

>> Again, if you'd filter aioe and a couple of other domains you'd never
>> see the crossposts from those nitwit trolls.

> I use Xananews and I've set it to filter aioe and Neodome. Works well.
> 95% of the nonsense is gone. Agent can't do that. Can Thunderbird?


I have Thunderbird for the first time and I hate it. I don't know
how to do so many things. If it were not for Jill I would be still
angering people by the way I post.