Thread: Smart phone
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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Smart phone

On Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 4:23:08 PM UTC-10, Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 18:48:00 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> > wrote:
> >On Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 3:29:52 AM UTC-10, Boron Elgar wrote:

> >> I've a iPad, a Surface, a couple of HP laptops, a Samsung tablet to
> >> plot on the kitchen counter for recipes, an iPhone, an Apple watch.
> >> keep the industry afloat all by myself, probably. This gadgets list
> >> gets changed out and I pass along the previous generations to friends
> >> and family members.
> >>
> >> I have my own version of the sale of indulgences and as penance for
> >> the electronic gluttony, I am very careful about touchie-feelie
> >> conservation in other areas. C'est la vie.

> >
> >That's a heck of a lot of toys! Congrats. The mere mention of "desktop" computer gives me the chills.
> >As far as the boomers goes, I occasionally see surveys on asking for my age. You respond by giving your age group. I'm in the last group - the 40+ group. Once you reach the age of 40, they're no longer interested in finding out anything further about you. That's the breaks.

> Someone has to keep China working.
> The desktop is here for infrequent CDs/DVDs and photography work on
> the two large monitors. I could attach a laptop to all that and add in
> an ergo keyboard and mouse I like, but the desktop makes it all
> neater, actually.
> The huge monitors used to be for working with massive spreadsheets and
> data arrays and report graphics. I do not miss that work, but still
> enjoy having a big fat weather or earthquake map on one screen and
> maybe a tiny pandemic spreadsheet or graphic on the other.....old
> habits die hard.
> I am happy dealing with touchscreens and pads, too, but not for the
> photography.
> Most of my clients back in the day would put upper limits on their
> product testing or opinion/positioning gathering. It was rare that any
> of them cared about ages above 60 except for products specifically
> targeted to older folks such as meds or certain cosmetics.

Desktop computers are good at editing graphics and photos. These days, I have to rely on auto light correcting programs for photos. They work surprising well. I used to edit graphic by cutting up paper or photo negatives and pasting them on to layout sheets. I'm glad those days are behind me.