Smart phone
On 4/18/2021 8:05 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2021-04-18 7:55 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>> Home computers hadn't been invented when my grandparents were alive.
>> My parents wouldn't have known what to do with one.
>> As for dealing strictly in cash, there are a few businesses (farm
>> stands mostly) that operate on a cash-only basis.Â* I never have more
>> than $20 in cash in my wallet at any given time.Â* Reason being, if my
>> wallet/purse is stolen I can't call the bank and expect them to do
>> anything about cash.Â* I can, however, cancel my debit card and the
>> bank will issue a new one with a different number.Â* I still write
>> checks for some things.Â* The guy who takes care of the yard work, for
>> example. Just had some HVAC work done a week ago and I wrote a check
>> for that, too.
> You must be younger than I thought.
Why would you say that? I'm not.
> I always have at least $200 cash in
> my wallet.
That's the amount my mother always wanted to withdraw when I took her to
the bank. She didn't keep it in her wallet, she put it in her jewelry
box. She felt she always had to have about $200 in cash in the house.
For what, I don't know. Her bills - even groceries - were paid by
check. Rarely cash. She just liked to have it around. Not me.
> I still use my debit card for most purchases and credit card
> for online purchases and curbside orders. I still like to have cash for
> emergencies. I even have a stash of US cash at home.
If there's the threat of a hurricane or something like that, sure, I'll
withdraw cash ahead of time and stash it in the fireproof suitcase safe
where I store important documents. I definitely have no reason to have
cash in the house at all times, much less in my wallet.