Thread: Smart phone
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Smart phone

On 2021-04-20 7:50 a.m., Gary wrote:
> Â*Michael Trew wrote:
>> If someone has bills that haven't been circulated since the 1930's, I'd
>> hope they take them to a coin shop or auction, rather than spend them in
>> general currency.Â* Then again, I occasionally give a cashier an
>> Eisenhower dollar or something odd (especially if they are a younger
>> female) just so I can enjoy her confusion... one once told me that it
>> wasn't a real coin... lol I asked for the manager

> LOL. Same confusion happens with using $2 bills. Many people think they
> are counterfeit bills. A customer once paid me in cash, all $2 bills. I
> had fun spending those.
> I still have a 1953 $2 bill. Saved that one since it's my birth year.

We always had $2 bills but about 25 years ago they switched from paper
to coin. We had already had a $1 coin for a number of years. One side
of the $1 coin had a look image so it became known as a Loonie. When the
$2 coin came out it was the Twoonie.