Thread: Smart phone
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Smart phone

On 2021-04-21 10:59 a.m., Mike Duffy wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 10:22:59 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2021-04-20 11:38 p.m., Michael Trew wrote:

>>> Do they still have bar tabs?

>> That would still involve him paying his share, something he always tried
>> hard to avoid.

> But Dave. That was not his question. Exclusive clubs might do it. A bar
> manager might have a habit of doing it for personal friends. I've only
> ever seen this at one bar. Actually it was the same bar close to work
> where we went after baseball.

It's been a long time since I was out drinking with a group. The
incident where this happened was an Ontario "hotel" the sort of place
had a men's side and a Ladies and Escorts side and that used to only
beer, though by that time they also sold wine and liquor. These days
the only times I go out for drinks is with my motorcycling buddies. It
is usually just me and my friend but there may be one or two others.
They generally ask if we want to run a tab, but we are only there for
one beer so we don't do that.

> After dessert my last drink was always Orish Coffee. That was during my
> days of youthful experimentation, so they also brought me my own 6-
> compartment spice shaker that they kept behind the bar somewhere. It had
> cocoa, cinnamon, anise, cola, carob & chicory.

I often used to pass on dessert and have a nice single malt whiskey.