Thread: Lunch April 15
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Lunch April 15

On 2021-04-22 6:05 a.m., Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 2021-04-21 8:19 a.m., Gary wrote:
>>> On 4/20/2021 6:28 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> That is a lot more than I eat for breakfast, but it is nothing compared
>>>> to a full English breakfast. Take that plate of bacon, eggs and fried
>>>> potatoes and add some baked beans, breakfast sausage, blood sausage and
>>>> toast.
>>> Don't forget the toast should be pan fried in a little bacon grease.

>> In my house it was called Dip. My father's parents were English and she
>> spend three years in England during the war. He loved that stuff. It
>> always made my guts do flip flops.
>>> I have a friend that grew up in Manchester and asked him about the
>>> "english breakfast" several years ago.
>>> He gave me a list of the food but added that it's more of a diner
>>> breakfast, not something that most people made at home.

>> When my son was returning from his job if Africa we arranged for him
>> to stay in London for 4 four days. He discovered the full English
>> breakfast and loved it. He prepared it for us a number of times,
>> thought limited by what is available here. Thank goodness blood sausage
>> was not commonly available.

> You've missed a delicious treat. Black pudding is hight up ON MY LIST
> of "foods to feed me when I can no longer feed myself".
> Janet UK

Don't you come from Lancashire where some of the better BP is made?