Water Pie
cshenk wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> > On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 1:07:19 PM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
> > >
> > > Full of funny phrases too like 'beat the egg whites until they
> > > submit to the Lord and make nice peaks' (sounds faintly
> > > blasphemous now but must not have been percieved so at that time
> > > as it's in a church cookbook).
> >
> > I dig that kind of talk!
> LOL, I did too. Our grandparents and their parents had some pretty
> different ways of expressing things.
> Hw about 'Bring it to a slow simmer like you are walking a very old
> dog'. Laughed at that one! It's actually on the back of a letter
> sent back to my real grandmother (her's is on the flip side and it's
> the depression so they reused the other side for a return letter).
Do you also have a fake grandmother? Was she not really your
grandparent or was she really your grandfather?
The real Dr. Bruce posts with uni-berlin.de - individual.net