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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default I'm getting my first FREE at Walgreens Covid 19 vaccine shot this Monday at 4PM

On Sat, 24 Apr 2021 07:29:01 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> wrote:

>On 4/24/2021 6:32 AM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 Apr 2021 05:37:56 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 15:26:14 -0400, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 09:35:23 -0500, Sqwertz >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 18 Apr 2021 10:01:46 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>> You're not taking into account the cost of R&D, manufacturing and
>>>>>> distribution of those free vaccines. That's not cheap!
>>>>> They were given $2 billion each by the Feds. And the process they
>>>>> used was pretty easy. Phizer and Moderna beat NovaVax to market with
>>>>> NovaVax's own technique (spike protein), invented 15-20 year ago.
>>>>> NovaVax even had the first success with this one but they couldn't
>>>>> even mass produce enough for trials. Phizer and Moderna had the
>>>>> facilities to crank it out, NovaVax didn't.
>>>> Pfizer was not part of Warp Speed. The feds did have an agreement to
>>>> PURCHASE doses if they proved effective, but they were not funded like
>>>> Moderna & AStraZeneca.
>>> Huh. I didn't know that. So Phizer is selling doses to the
>>> government at prices that don't account for the $2 billion front
>>> money? That was an excellent <ahem> move on their part. They can
>>> claim their funding was private and markups appropriately in
>>> perpetuity.
>>> Like I said, the tech was already there courtesy of NovaVax - it was
>>> easy to develop. Phizer probably even already had it before Warp
>>> Speed. So why take a $2B up front contract? Drug companies suck
>>> [money].
>>> -sw

>> Drug companies suck as do most for profit businesses and do the same
>> with govt money grubbing because politicians funded by pharmas have
>> consistently voted against allowing the Feds to even negotiate some
>> aspects of drug pricing, especially for programs such as Medicare and
>> Medicaid. Most countries outside the US have tighter controls on
>> costs.
>> Another example of this is right before our eyes now, but the EU seems
>> as wretched as the US about it- There is a pandemic and the governing
>> agencies of many countries are refusing to make patent exemptions for
>> vaccines so poorer countries can produce them locally and cheaply. No
>> need to let the dogs out- any pandemic exceptions can be tightly
>> fenced.
>> I do not feel more animus towards drug companies in general (ok...I
>> make an exception for Purdue Pharma) than I do with something such as
>> Amazon.

>Patents are on a country by country basis. If a poorer country wants a
>patent exemption, it can do so and the EU has nothing to say about it.

Go take it up with the news reports. WTO is involved in some places,
too. I am not googling deeper than this. There are hundreds or
articles, domestic and overseas, that have covered aspects of it.