Thunderstorms blew in this afternoon so it's been pouring down rain.
I'll be cooking *indoors* tonight as opposed to last nights' fish and
asparagus on the grill dinner and subsequent grilled corn.
I've decided it's a good day for a hamburger. 1/3 lb. ground chuck
patty cooked in a cast iron skillet. Seasoned with salt and coarsely
ground black pepper and some garlic powder. Worcestershire sauce added
while cooking. The burger will be served topped with either a slice of
smoked gruyere cheese or asiago, haven't decided yet, On a toasted,
buttered whole wheat bun.
I've got a bag of Publix skinny "restaurant style" frozen fries; I'll
pop a handful of those on a baking sheet sprayed with some cooking oil
at 425F in the oven to go with the burger. They cook up nice and crisp
outside but tender inside.
Yep, it's a burger and fries night.