On 24/04/2021 20:13, Dr. Bruce wrote:
> S Viemeister wrote:
>> On 24/04/2021 13:41, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Â* I'm starting to wonder.Â* Maybe it is because the fields around
>>> here are all cattle or crops!Â* Maybe that is why I don't get any!
>>> I don't know what rocket is
>> Arugula, roquette, rocket. Same thing.
>> This property is surrounded by common grazings, with cattle, sheep,
>> (and in recent years, too damn many deer, bringing ticks with them),
>> and there are dandelions out there.
>> Does the local farmer use herbicides?
> Local farmer Moi uses no herbicides and we have all the weeds but no
> dandelion.
We have wild deer too!! .. but no dandelions
