Thread: Smart phone
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Smart phone

On 4/24/2021 1:18 PM, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 18:07:10 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 4/23/2021 5:06 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 08:00:16 -0400, Gary wrote:
>>>>> On 4/23/2021 1:55 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>> That's not how it works when you use an up to date browser. It's
>>>>>> always encrypted when you establish a connections with banks and
>>>>>> such. It's encrypted in your browser and can only be decoded when
>>>>>> it reaches your banks web servers. Same with everything they send
>>>>>> to you over the network. They pay fees for their SSL certificates
>>>>>> that make all this possible, but are useless if your browser is out
>>>>>> of date.
>>>>> Just to note... I wasn't using the old Netscape browser for this. I
>>>>> was
>>>>> using Thunderbird on the neighborhood wifi connection.
>>>>> It was (and still is) Thunderbird vs 45.0
>>>>> I should update it, I suppose. lol
>>>>> That said, it wasn't as out of date 3 years ago as it is now.
>>>>> I've always heard not to use secure info (like a bank password) on a
>>>>> shared network.
>>>> Thunderbird is an email client. You don't browse the web with it.
>>> Firefox, both Mozilla products. (How funny he still has Netscape
>>> somewhere.)

>> His Netscape 4.73 (circa 2000) was a combo product that included
>> mailer and browser, IIRC. Mozilla Seamonkey would be its
>> predecessor.
>> -sw

> Ass backwards. Netscape was the predecessor of seamonkey. Seamonkey
> still exists.

Here's mine:
Netscape Communicator 4.73
Copyright 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation

I believe it was the last pure Netscape version. The next version was
co-branded with AOL or something like that. (Netscape 6.0) Something
like that. I tried it and didn't like it.

Anyway, 4.73 was the perfect all in one program for internet at the time.
- Messenger (for email and ng's)
- Navigator (browser)
- Composer (a lame html editor)

First, email stopped working so I switched to Eudora for that.
Eventually, the browser wouldn't get all web pages so I switched to
Firefox for that.

Even both of those got outdated for internet use eventually. Windows98
couldn't handle new updates as time moved on.

That's when I got a laptop with Win7 and switched to Thunderbird and Firefox

At the end (last Nov.23 when dialup access ended). Netscape only handled
newsgroups and half the web pages (the older http ones)