New car for young man
On 4/27/2021 10:21 AM, Mike Duffy wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 08:45:12 -0400, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> I did not change my last name at the marriage, either.
> It's just extra useless paperwork.
> It's extra useless paperwork to change a driver's permit, health card, an
> extra form to do on both the federal & provincial taxes. Also accounts at
> your banks, &c. I'm not sure if it makes paperwork easier for your
> heirs / executors.
It tradition because the woman loves the man and wants to share his name.
Depending on religion and country of residence you would also become his
Found this:
the practice of a woman taking her husband's last name is a vestige of a
law that dates back to the 11th century. Sometime after the Norman
Conquest, the Normans introduced the idea of coverture to the English,
and the seeds of a long-standing tradition were planted.
Equality, Property, and Marriage. Most American treated married women
according to the concept of coverture, a concept inherited from English
common law. Under the doctrine of coverture, a woman was legally
considered the chattel of her husband, his possession.