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Dr. Bruce Dr. Bruce is offline
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Default SUCKS!

Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> On 4/28/2021 3:42 PM, Dr. Bruce wrote:
> >
> > They prevent exploitation of workers in an unbridled-capitalist
> > country. If you leave it up to the companies alone, workers will be
> > paid $1 per hour and get fired if they scratch their head during
> > working hours.
> >

> Maybe. probably still needed some places. Some businesses have
> increase the pay rates because they can't get enough people. Part
> time burger flippers that used to get minimum wage are now offered
> $10. There is a big movement to raise wages to $15 but Amazon
> already pays that with benefits. I understand working conditions are
> rather busy though.

"Rather busy" is a big euphemism. I saw an item about Amazon on
Australian TV. Working conditions are inhumane.

> Educated and skilled people always made a decent wage because they
> are in demand. Joe Sixpack on the assembly line often needed help.

Yes, most people are neither educated nor skilled. The majority of
people are just plain dumb. They need protection the most because
they're easily replaceable.

> In the past, that is what unions were good for along with safety
> conditions. OSHA is far from perfect but is also a help. Yes, I've
> been through two OSHA audits with no problems, no fines. Probably not
> a factory in the world could say that in 1950s or earlier.

I don't know what OSHA is. Isn't that what they called the Bagwan?

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