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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default OT: Covid-19 Vaccination Button (pic) and dinner plans

On 30/04/2021 18:32, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 30/04/2021 15:53, Ophelia wrote:
>> On 30/04/2021 14:29, S Viemeister wrote:
>>> On 30/04/2021 12:03, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> Â*Â*I am pleased you've had both vaccines now and like us, had no bad
>>>> affter effects)
>>>> Â*Â*Do you get that badge to prove you've had them??Â* We don't get
>>>> anything .. except the injection)
>>> I would really like to have some sort of proof that I've had it. I
>>> hope > to be travelling to the US later this year.

>> ====
>> Â*Â* I suppose you could ask your Doc or Nurse if they can give you
>> something? Have you had them both yet?
>> Â*Â* I am sure if you explain why you need it, they might be able to help!

> Yes, I had my second dose nearly two weeks ago.
> A note from a busy doctor is possible, but something official would be
> better.


There must be somewhere you get some official proof

I can't think who you could get from.

Ring up the surgery and ask! Someone must know(

We are not planning to go away this year, and I am hoping my daughter
and grands can visit from Germany so it is not a problem for us ....
this time!!!!

Good luck and let me know how you get on.