Dr. Bruce wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > On 2021-04-30 10:48 p.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> > > Stole this from another group
> > >
> > > http://gfretwell.com/ftp/Vegans.jpg
> >
> > I would not refuse to eat something because it is vegan. I just
> > don't buy into it and I am not prepared to cater to guests who
> > choose a vegan diet. I have to saw that every once in a while when
> > I am at the corner bakery I get one of their vegan peanut butter
> > squares. They are incredible. When I went to Georgia with the club
> > a couple years ago the group was willing to indulge out vegan
> > member and someone made an delicious vegan chili. I cooked some
> > shrimp and someone else cooked sausage. The vegan dish was good,
> > but the shrimp and sausage made it a meal.
> Maybe carnivores are addicted to animal suffering. Eew.
The real Dr. Bruce posts with uni-berlin.de - individual.net