Wisdom Teeth Pulled
On Sat, 1 May 2021 12:02:00 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 5/1/2021 11:27 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 11:12:06 AM UTC-4, Dr Bruce wrote:
>>> On 5/1/2021 11:07 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 9:27:59 AM UTC-4, Dr Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On 5/1/2021 9:10 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 6:22:31 AM UTC-4, Dr Bruce wrote:
>>>>>>> On 5/1/2021 4:55 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Friday, April 30, 2021 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-4, Donald Shenkenberger wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 4/30/2021 4:47 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 2021-04-30 3:43 p.m., Michael Trew wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/30/2021 10:44 AM, Graham wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> ill
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! Yes, insurance is gone tomorrow. Perhaps a better job with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> health benefits is in order for me in the near future.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Or you could emigrate to a civilised country where you wouldn't have to
>>>>>>>>>>>> worry.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm assuming you are talking about socialist health care like Canada
>>>>>>>>>>> or some European countries. Trust me, you'll pay for it in the end
>>>>>>>>>>> with higher taxes and/or lower quality health care.
>>>>>>>>>> We are well aware that we pay for our health care system with our tax
>>>>>>>>>> dollars. Most people are very happy with our system.
>>>>>>>>> Recon why most Canadians live near the USA border?
>>>>>>>> Open a history book before you open your mouth.
>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>> Just curious, what does history have to do with most
>>>>>>> Canadians living near the US border? Isn't it more
>>>>>>> about the climate and their economy being so closely
>>>>>>> tied to ours?
>>>>>> The climate, and the fact that the damned St. Laurence seaway
>>>>>> is on the southern border.
>>>>> What in the Sam Hill does that have to do with *history*?
>>>>>> Why do you think most inland cities are located on a river or other
>>>>>> navigable body of water?
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> Again, what in the Sam Hill does that have to do with *history*?
>>>> The French came down the St. Lawrence, founding cities as they went.
>>>> It's the same as the Spanish missionaries founding cities all up the
>>>> California coast.
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> You're reaching now, they settled where the weather wasn't as
>>> ****ed up as it is up north where no no wants to live, and they
>>> stayed south because of their ties to the US economy.
>What "US economy"? The settlements on both sides of what became the
>US/Canadian borders were exactly that. Settlements. Not thriving
>metropolises that sprouted up with bankers and CEO's wearing suits. Heh.
>BTW, that US/Canadian border stretches across the entire North American
>Continent from coast to coast.
About 6,000 miles, I've driven it several times. Be certain to top up
your gas tank at every station, gas stations are few and far between
and many will be out of gas. The drive over the Great Lakes is very
remote and everything quite a distance, not a place to get stranded
for lack of fuel or needing repairs.
>A Bruce uses a pretty big brush to paint with.
>>> Neither has anything to do with a history book.
>> You clearly don't know shit about the history of Canada.
>> Cindy Hamilton
>He's taking pot shots, as usual. Bruce does a lot of uninformed
Most Canadian history is pre white man... much revolved around the fur
trade. Canadians blame much misfortune on the "Indian Problem". To
learn about Canadian history a good place to visit is Winnipeg... The
Peg is a fabulous city in the middle of nowhere.