OT: Covid-19 Vaccination Button (pic) and dinner plans
On 2021-05-02 9:14 a.m., Gary wrote:
> On 5/1/2021 3:18 AM, S Viemeister wrote:
>> Thanks, Jill.
>> I've booked a ticket, but I've had two previous bookings cancelled by
>> the airline, so...
> I saw on national news this morning... due to the current high rate of
> Covid in India, all travel from India to the USA will stop on Tuesday.
Good. Canada banned direct flights from India last week. The deal was
supposed to also exclude people who had taken indirect flights, like
India to UK then UK to Canada. So they started flying to the US and
then going by land to Canada.
> I don't understand that thinking. If it's so bad, why not immediately
> stop travel rather than wait 4 more days?
It is a little heavy handed to change the rules immediately, but in
these cases I don't have a problem. Travellers keep finding ways to get
around the rules.
A lot of Canadians like to winter in the south but the land borders
closed. However, they could fly to the US. One of the most common
gimmicks is for them to have their vehicles delivered to Buffalo then
fly over and pick up their cars. Then they would drive home and since
they were citizens they had to admit them.
The rules were changed. They had to have a negative Covid test result
within 36 hours of boarding a flight to Canada. Those who had positive
results ended up crossing at land borders. So they changed the rules
again.. and you have to get a test at the border and another three days
later and have to self isolate for 14 days.
It seems that if you walk across you don't have to do that stuff. So now
people are flying to points in the US and then taking buses or taxis to
the border and walking across to avoid all that stuff.
> This same moron expert thinking is what brought the virus to the USA
> back in the beginning. They allowed travel from China and all they did
> was check temperatures of the travelers. Many of those travelers had the
> virus but didn't show symptoms yet.