OT: Covid-19 Vaccination Button (pic) and dinner plans
S Viemeister wrote:
> On 02/05/2021 13:26, Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > Not yet. But my flight (if it isn't cancelled yet again) is in a
> > > couple of months. That's assuming lockdown continues to ease.
> >
> > My nephew is stuck too. He had gone over because his mother was
> > clearly going to die, then came Covid, then she did die and at least
> > he was there, but now he is just sitting waiting to return. Now
> > that we are having a third wave, likely it will be a couple of
> > months before he can come back. I think you'll have more luck
> > going to the US than he will here.
> >
> A relative by marriage, who shall remain un-named,
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