OT: Covid-19 Vaccination Button (pic) and dinner plans
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2021-05-02 4:35 a.m., S Viemeister wrote:
> ===
> > >
> > > Â*Â*Did you get proof of your vaccination??
> > >
> > >
> > Not yet. But my flight (if it isn't cancelled yet again) is in a
> > couple of months. That's assuming lockdown continues to ease.
> I would not be counting on that any time soon. Here in Ontario we are
> in the third wave and infection rates are just starting to level off,
> but hospitalization rates are rising and the victims are younger.
> Canada has recently banned flights from India where there are seeing
> more than 300,000 new infections daily.
Yup, same here. The younger folks locally are getting pretty quiet
about how 'it's all a hoax' or 'no worse than the flu'. Most local
cases seem to be in the 25-35yo sets that land in the hospital.