Thread: Shrimp boil !
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Shrimp boil !

On 2021-05-02 6:47 p.m., Snag wrote:
> On 5/2/2021 5:22 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> I have to ask why you would have the bucket up in the air when
>> traversing a hill.Â* When I worked in highway maintenance a lot of the
>> staff at the patrol yards were farmers. I could always tell whichÂ* of
>> them were the farmers when I saw themÂ* driving front end loaders. They
>> always drove with the bucket up. Safe practice is to keep the weight low.

> Â*I have no idea why he had the bucket up . I never see anything but the
> aftermath . Like the bush hog with the gear box dangling by the drive
> shaft thru the hole in the deck . Metal fatigue in a 20-something year
> old machine took it's toll .

It's a farmer thing. I saw it all the time. We had 28 patrol yards in
our district and I used to deliver equipment to all of them, mostly
tractors, front end loaders and graders. Every patrol had a couple
tractors with mowers and at least also had a bucket. The farmers always
drove them with the bucket up. Everyone else kept the buckets low. I
can think of lots of reasons to keep them low and not a single one to
have it all the way up.