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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default My Toffee and Coffee go very well together!

On 2021-05-04 4:34 p.m., Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Tue, 4 May 2021 12:29:49 -0600, Graham > wrote:

>> They par cook them and then finish them off at the resto. Whenever I
>> have tried a TH, the line is long and *doesn't move*!!! The service is
>> lousy, not because the temporary foreign workers behind the counter are
>> lazy but at each location I've seen, they are totally disorganised - a
>> serious management problem.
>> BTW a Brazilian conglomerate now owns the chain.

> In ancient times Dunkin Donuts was a decent New England and environs
> brand that baked everything in store. People went there for the donuts
> and the coffee was secondary and sandwiches were not a big part of the
> biz. They decided they wanted to be everything to everyone and
> expanded and franchised and conglomerated and merged and yadda yadda.
> The donuts are inedible now. Damned shame.

That is pretty much the Tim Horton's story. They sold coffee and
donuts, more than 20 varieties of donuts. Then they did muffins, then
cookies. Somewhere along the way they did cakes and that was a flop. Now
they have soup and chile and horrible sandwiches. The par baked donuts
are small and they horrible. Yet, a lot of people are very loyal to them.