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Alex[_31_] Alex[_31_] is offline
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Default I got my Leaf back! $4000+ repairs!

GM wrote:
> Michael Trew wrote:
>> On 5/6/2021 9:13 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 6:51:29 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>> And I;m staying in the Left Lane down Chambers from now on!
>>>>> Hey Joe Biden! You wanna see a crappy road? Chambers Rd STL. Just because poor people live there does NOT mean they don't need INFRASTRUCTURE REPAIRS!
>>>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>>>> How much have you paid in the last two years for repairs on the Leaf?
>>> How much over it's working life do you spend those keep that Fartburner of yours working?
>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...

>> I'm driving a 1993 Geo Metro that I paid $600 for a year ago, and I've
>> put maybe $500 into repairs. That's about 30K miles I've put on the car
>> in that time, for frame of reference. The car gets 45 MPG.
>> The money that you put into that car for repairs is absurdly wasteful.

> He's been told that here for years and years now...he's spent thousands this past year *alone* on that stoopid Leaf...and then there is his gasoline - guzzling van "Baby"...
> In addition to totally lacking common sense, he's bi - polar, which greatly adds to his carelessness with money...when he gets a few bux he'll immediately squander it on stoopid shit like LP's, antique audio crap, etc....
> What can one say about a person who spends $120K on a tile roof (with COPPER GUTTERS...!!!) for his house - when the house alone is *not* worth that much...
> John's "justification" for spending that much on the roof is that it will "last for 300 years"...
> Instead of steadily working to grow his assets and wealth like a normal - brained person would, he inherited - and has mostly blown - an inheritance from his father...
> He's informed us several times that he has not had enough money to buy food - he apparently does not even stock basic pantry items for his "lean times"...
> At the age of 61 he can look forward to his "Golden Years" as being years of privation and homelessness...he'll lose the house, that's a pretty sure bet...
> He needs to be watching Suze Orman instead of those ancient PBS nature docs...or ask you for some sensible "frugal living" tips...

Well said!