Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/7/2021 5:44 PM, Thomas wrote:
> > >
> > > Normally I would grill these but it's been extremely windy. High
> > > winds, a charcoal grill and a house with wood siding don't mix.
> > > If the wind dies down tomorrow I'll grill them, otherwise into
> > > the oven they'll go.
> > >
> > > Oh, and they don't take as long to cook as that 1978 recipe
> > > indicates no matter what method you use to cook them. Use your
> > > own judgement. 
> > >
> > > Jill
> > I was never succesfull w country ribs. I use in a spag sauce. They
> > are always dried out and tough but tasty.
> >
> I always did them on the smoker about 3 hours at 250 to 275 degrees.
> They are from the butt and have to be cooked in a similar manner.
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