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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT. OT. OT - Madness, sheer madness!!

On 2021-05-08 9:14 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 6:58:05 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>> IMO, the entire gun restriction movement is dumb and worthless. The
>> anti-gun people want all guns to disappear but that will never happen.

> You've rolled up a range of opinions into the most extreme.
> Quite a few people would like to see reasonable restrictions enforced
> on firearms ownership.
> It's stupid to let crazy people have guns, yet so many mass murders
> result in the perpetrator's friends and relatives saying, "We knew he
> was crazy. He scared us."
> It's stupid to let people buy guns without any kind of background check.
> It's stupid that there isn't a national database that is consulted
> when anybody wants to buy a gun.
>> The ever increasing restrictions only affect the good people that just
>> like guns.

> But not the stupid people, who leave their guns where their kids
> can find them and accidentally shoot their siblings and friends.
> Making it more difficult to obtain firearms will reduce the number
> of such incidents.
>> The bad people will always have access to guns on the black
>> market.
>> Guns don't kill. People do.

> People with guns can kill more efficiently than people with
> knives, clubs, or well-aimed rocks.

I am a gun owner and target shooter and I support reasonable and
effective gun control. I fully support the idea of owners being licensed
through a process that involves safety training. I do not support open
or conceal carry of handguns. I think handguns should be strictly
regulated and I think that enforcement should be aimed at those who use
guns in crimes.

Our idiotic Liberal government a few years back started a long gun
registry in response to a number of shootings involving handguns and
sawed of shotguns (already prohibited). They seemed to be under the
impression that the people with illegal handguns would suddenly realize
they were illegal. The next Conservative government scrapped that registry.

Last year there was an incident where a guy with mental issues and no
firearms licenses went on a killing spree using illegally acquired guns.
The Liberal response was to ban 1500 models of rifles that are not
assault rifles but which look nasty. Fully automatic firearms and high
capacity mags have been illegal for years. There had been one incident
about 30 years ago where there was a mass shooting involving one of
those models.