On 5/9/2021 6:40 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 1:22:30 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 1:12:38 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>> It's like mowing Wet Salad!
>>> Best to take breaks! :-)
>> Only a fool mows wet grass unless absolutely necessary. It wastes
>> energy. The coal miners thank you.
>> https://www.thespruce.com/mowing-wet-grass-4580617
>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>> --Bryan
> It's ELECTRICITY! I have three 50ft 12GA grounded extension cords
> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
ELECTRICITY doesn't have a damn thing to do with why it's a bad idea to
mow your lawn while it's wet, dipshit.