Catfish ideas?
On Tue, 11 May 2021 17:12:36 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:51:00 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/11/2021 6:39 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>> > Hi, looking for Catfish ideas folks here have actually used and
>>> > liked.
>>> >
>>> > We will probably do the normal breaded and fried this time but like
>>> > ideas for other ways you actually done and liked.
>>> >
>>> I've got a couple of ideas but it depends on how much time you care
>>> to spend.
> [snip]
>>> Jill
>> Bless you!
> Oh God, so that's why you're John's little rimjob bitch. It's your version of
> washing Jesus' feet. You found your "least of these," and you're stickin' to
> him. There are certainly more deserving "fowls of the air," but you picked
> Bachelor Kuthe. St. Peter might let you in, but odds are he'll be rolling his
> eyes.
> --Bryan
How did this food conversation between Jill and Carol devolve into
.... that out of place bullshit? Did you fall off the wagon again
and bump your widdle head?
Save the bullshit for bullshit threads. And even then, this is still
a head-scratcher. Oh look, here comes Gregory for some anal sex.
You scored, Bryan!