Sheldon Martin wrote:
> On Fri, 14 May 2021 18:31:25 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> > On 5/14/2021 12:17 PM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
> >> Tractor Supply Stores have a sale on Bird Feeding Stuffs... got 2
> bird >> seed feeders and seed, 2 hummingbird nector feeders and
> nector. I can >> spend hours there looking.
> >>
> > I'd rather spend those hours looking at the birds. 
> I do both. Winters here are long and hard so I stock up on seed at
> sale time. I used to make nector but it's cheap enough to buy it
> ready made, and the brand I buy already contains the minerals and
> vitamins for proper egg shell formation.
> > It's easy enough to make "nectar" for hummingbirds. I put 1/2 cup
> > of sugar in a mason jar and pour 2 cups boiling water over it. Let
> > it cool, put a lid on it and store it in the refrigerator. I have
> > only one hummingbird feeder. When I clean and refill it I
> > immediately make another batch of nectar to store in the fridge.
> >
> > During warm months I don't offer seed or suet; there are plenty of
> > sources of food once the weather warms up. What keeps them coming
> > around at all times of the year is the bird bath which is always
> > filled with fresh water. I love watching them splish-splash around
> > in the bath.
> >
> > It doesn't (often) get cold enough for the water to freeze in the
> > bath where I live now but it did in west TN. I have a small heater
> > for the bath I used then.
> >
> > Jill
> I use one of those plastic snow coasters as a bird bath, a small
> heater is added during winter. During warm weather the birds prefer
> the many ponds here, they especially like the shallow vernal ponds.
Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you.".
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