Thread: BIRDS
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Sheldon Martin[_4_] Sheldon Martin[_4_] is offline
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Default BIRDS

On Sat, 15 May 2021 09:46:13 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> wrote:

> wrote:
>> On 5/15/2021 7:04 AM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
>> > On Fri, 14 May 2021 18:31:25 -0400, jmcquown >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> On 5/14/2021 12:17 PM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
>> >>> Tractor Supply Stores have a sale on Bird Feeding Stuffs... got 2 bird
>> >>> seed feeders and seed, 2 hummingbird nector feeders and nector. I can
>> >>> spend hours there looking.
>> >>>
>> >> I'd rather spend those hours looking at the *birds*.
>> >
>> > I do both. Winters here are long and hard so I stock up on seed at
>> > sale time. > I used to make nector but it's cheap enough to buy it
>> > ready made, and the brand I buy already contains the minerals and
>> > vitamins for proper egg shell formation.
>> >

>> Hummingbirds get nutrition from many other sources. They eat a lot of
>> small insects.
>> >> During warm months I don't offer seed or suet; there are plenty of
>> >> sources of food once the weather warms up. What keeps them coming
>> >> around at all times of the year is the bird bath which is always filled
>> >> with fresh water. I love watching them splish-splash around in the bath.
>> >>
>> >> It doesn't (often) get cold enough for the water to freeze in the bath
>> >> where I live now but it did in west TN. I have a small heater for the
>> >> bath I used then.
>> >>
>> >> Jill
>> >
>> > I use one of those plastic snow coasters as a bird bath, a small
>> > heater is added during winter. During warm weather the birds prefer
>> > the many ponds here, they especially like the shallow vernal ponds.
>> >

>> Yes, you have fresh water ponds. I live on one of a string of sea
>> islands surrounded by salt marshes. Even the tidal creeks are mostly
>> salt water. Yes, birds always find sources of fresh water but it's the
>> the bird bath that keeps them coming to my patio year round.
>> No seed out at this time of year. Just this morning I've seen tufted
>> titmice, a mated pair of cardinals, Carolina chickadees all coming to
>> take a sip and a dip in the bird bath.

>Uh, why do you have to turn a pleasant avian conversation into a "contest".

It's easy enough to not reply. I don't keep many male friends for the
same reason, most males are very competitive... they can't abide by
admitting that I've taught them something, like how I've instructed
some men how to make their own wine, etc. A lot of males are not very
good cooks, it frustrates them to no end that they have to admit that
someone had to teach them the basics. I no longer help folks at RFC,
they are quick to steal credit. It's primarily the males who steal
credit, but many females can't cook a lick either especially the
texassians who only know cheap ass sandwhiches... any moroon can
concoct a sandwich... sandwhiches ain't cooking, no how, no way.