On 2021-05-15 4:32 p.m., bruce bowser wrote:
> On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 10:16:53 AM UTC-4, Ophelia wrote:
>> On 15/05/2021 13:38, Gary wrote:
>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> A TV program on Nat Geo, To Catch a Smuggler showed some fins going
>>>> through customs illegally. They can go for $500 a pound.
>>> I saw that episode. I also previously watched a documentary showing
>>> asian fishermen harvesting those shark fins.
>>> They catch the sharks, cut off all the fins then toss the still alive
>>> shark back into the ocean. Without their fins, they can't swim or hunt
>>> so they sink to the bottom and just lay there until they die.
>> ======
>> That is appalling
(( I hope they suffer the same fate!!!
> Just put "shark bite" and australia into a search engine and look at the images.
Better yet... google "provoked shark attacks". The International
Shark Attack File reports 57 unprovoked shark attacks on people and
another 30 provoked attacks. What sort of an idiot would provoke a shark?