Thread: Catfish ideas?
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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default Catfish ideas?

On 15/05/2021 22:53, dsi1 wrote:
> On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 4:16:53 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>> On 15/05/2021 13:38, Gary wrote:
>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> A TV program on Nat Geo, To Catch a Smuggler showed some fins going
>>>> through customs illegally. They can go for $500 a pound.
>>> I saw that episode. I also previously watched a documentary showing
>>> asian fishermen harvesting those shark fins.
>>> They catch the sharks, cut off all the fins then toss the still alive
>>> shark back into the ocean. Without their fins, they can't swim or hunt
>>> so they sink to the bottom and just lay there until they die.

>> ======
>> That is appalling(( I hope they suffer the same fate!!!

> Shark fin soup is not popular on this rock. The Hawaiians viewed sharks and other creatures as forms that their gods might take. They sometimes regarded sharks as a family god or the spirits of their ancestors that would appear to offer help or protection. Generally speaking, killing a shark was considered kapu. Killing and eating the spirit of your ancestors would be a very bad thing.


I can see that!!