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Walter de Rochebrune Walter de Rochebrune is offline
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Posts: 155
Default OT: Ribs done wrong

Bryan Simmons wrote:

> I wrote OT because the post is about cooking, rather than about Kuthe.
> It was my nephew's 50th B-day celebration. We all went to a state
> park campground. I had this giant cryovac thing of pork spare ribs.
> I bought it frozen over a week ago, and it thawed slowly in my
> fridge. The grill thing was one of those ones with a cast iron
> grate, and right on the ground; it was essentially a fire ring, but
> rectangular. It was not the sort of thing you cook two big racks of
> ribs on. Folks there were dubious, both that it could be done at
> all, and if I would have the lasting power to accomplish it, both
> because my typical go-to-sleep time is so early, and because I was
> drinking beer.
> The fire was hot, and there were flames fueled by the fat from the
> ribs, but I kept at it, flipping them with a fork, and sometimes
> dousing the fire of charcoal and seasoned oak with water, but by
> damned I didn't make it work acceptably. They weren't
> fall-off-the-bone tender by any stretch, and there was a bit of
> burndness, but not much.
> I made the most of the resources that I had for cooking those ribs,
> and I brought another thing that was a hit, chip dippy salsa, which
> was just 3 cans of generic Ro-Tel, blended with 5 decent beefsteak
> tomatoes, a small sweet onion and some salt. I rode out with my son,
> and he got to reacquaint with his cousins after a few years. We've
> got an interesting family tree because my nephew married my wife's
> cousin, so my wife and I are great-aunt and great-uncle, respectively
> to their kids and she is also their first cousin, once removed. She
> couldn't be there because she had to work, but I have no doubt that
> the kinship ties were strengthened by this event.
> --Bryan

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