On Fri, 21 May 2021 di1wrote:
>I had a roasted sweet potato the other day.
You can buy them from street venders all over NYC. They have push
carts with a coal stove and a pile of sweet potatoes... there they are
called "baked". They are sold during the cold months and are kept in
pockets as hand warmers. A very large baked sweet potato used to cost
a nickle. That's part of our Thanksgiving dinner, baked in our gas
oven on a foil lined sheet pan, without the foil it'd be near
impossible to clean the burnt sugar off the sheet pan. Baked in their
jackets is the only way we eat sweet potatoes. and only once a year on
Different street venders sell roasted chestnuts. I never saw a street
vender selling both chestnuts and sweet potatoes... must be in the
street vender union contract... also only male venders sold sweet
potatoes, only female venders sold chestnuts. There are organ
grinders too, usually old Italian guys puffing guinea stinkers while
cranking out opera tunes, they'd have a dwarf Texass monkey
collecting pennies in a greasy cap.
"My 1st cigars | Cigar Forums"
Parodi and DiNapoli are small machine cigars, still available as of a
couple of years ago. They were often called guinea stinkers and had a
reputation of being very strong- tho I thought they were more on
the mild side back when I did smoke them.