Ellen wrote:
I was saying to someone the other day "but it's just flour and water and a bit
of olive oil" ... plus the serveral hundred $$ of "other stuff" ...
Ed Replies.
I think the first time the magnitude of this hobby hit was when one of the
forumites (Rob Gardner I think) answered with, "Oh, I use the standard pressure
cooker hot steam injection technique". Sort of like everyone has one of those.
Dick wrote:
Dunno if you mean to say you used all that stuff.
Ed answers:
For that one little loaf, unfortunately Yes.
By the way, the recipe you posted makes great hardy loaves, but if you add any
more parenthetical notes to the recipe page, you're going to be down to 6 point
Charles noted:
Well, according to the National Geographic report on the
expedition to Egypt that got Ed Wood started on sourdough, they
baked in something like a giant cloach.
Ed replies:
Thanks, I forgot to include LaCloche in the list of gear. But I did not use it
this time.