Damn, my newsreader won't post!
On 5/24/2021 2:25 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 24 May 2021 14:16:26 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
> > wrote:
>> On 5/24/2021 1:37 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 24 May 2021 17:55:38 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Greg. I havent missed an article since I went dark. I suck on an
>>>> iPad. I wont post much until I have my issue resolved. Its an Itty bitty,
>>>> awkward keyboard and an itty bitty screen. I learned how to delete text for
>>>> a reply just now.
>>>> I will stick to reading the group on the Mac big screen. Everything works
>>>> except posting.
>>> You always predicted everything would go to shit if Trump would lose
>>> the election and there you are! And he didn't even really lose!
>> You lot have it bad with Castro's ******* prime miniserve.
>> Jail any more pastors this weekend?
> Jailing pastors is a good thing.
For resisting the fascist Covid-drunk state?
Yeah, not so much commie.
> Let's also jail all reverends,
> vicars, priests and mufti's while we're at it. Let's free ourselves
> from the yoke of organized religion!
There is no yoke, it's all voluntary.
The Vatican is closed tho, no bad thing as pedo nests go.