REC: Finger Steaks
On 5/25/2021 4:53 PM, Jim Lahey wrote:
> On Tue, 25 May 2021 16:45:29 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
> > wrote:
>> On 5/25/2021 4:18 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On Tue, 25 May 2021 16:05:15 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 5/25/2021 3:54 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 25 May 2021 15:50:14 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I wonder, if one were to have such powers, what a contract to
>>>>>> permanently silence your endless spam would cost...
>>>>>> Maybe we could all do a gofundme.
>>>>>> :-/
>>>>> When 'Bruce' either stops posting or stops trolling here, it will go
>>>>> away.
>>>> Iow - never.
>>>> So here's what doesn't add up - why are you frogging Dave Smith if you
>>>> want Bruce gone?
>>>> Help me out man.
>>> I'll explain this. Not many people will read it or understand it but
>>> I'm assuming you will.
>> I'll give it a try.
>>> I'm the original Bruce.
>> I had NO idea.
>>> A troll took offense to my uplifting,
>>> constructive style of posting. So he started posting repetitive
>>> nonsense under my name, so that people would killfile that name, and
>>> therefore me. Each time I changed my name to become visible again, he
>>> changed his name too. So then I changed my name to that of a regular
>>> he Dave Smith. Thinking that people wouldn't killfile that name as
>>> quickly, because they'd also lose the regular, whose posts are
>>> riveting material. So the troll followed and is now posting his
>>> repetitive nonsense under the name Dave Smith.
>> So we have a real Dave Smith and 2 forgeries?
>>> Of course there are more advanced ways of killfiling than just by
>>> name. But many people aren't very advanced.
>> I resemble that I guess.
>> Thanks for explaining it to me.
>> Any chance you can go back to your original name and maybe just make
>> something in it unique?
>> Like add in a @ symbol or a tm.
> 'Bruce' doesn't like the real Dave Smith. So it pleases him that he is
> causing Dave problems. Which is why he continues to forge Dave Smith
> here. What kind of thinking is in Bruce's head to think this is OK?
There seem to be some long running feuds here.