On 5/25/2021 5:46 PM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:29:50 PM UTC-5, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>> On 5/25/2021 5:07 PM, Jim Lahey wrote:
>>> On Tue, 25 May 2021 16:52:06 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 5/25/2021 4:21 PM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 1:15:16 PM UTC-5, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/25/2021 7:54 AM, US Janet wrote:
>>>>>>> Finger Steaks! This is a food made popular in my city. The Torch
>>>>>>> Cafe is long gone but other eateries have continued the tradition.
>>>>>>> https://www.idahostatesman.com/
>>>>>>> Recipe is contained in the article.. Yummy!
>>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>>> Oh heck yes, I'd pick that over chicken fried hamburger steak any old day!
>>>>>> I wish this article wasn't paywalled:
>>>>>> "The struggle is real: Boise restaurants are closing because theyre so
>>>>>> short-staffed
>>>>>> UPDATED MAY 24, 2021 12:29 PM
>>>>> You don't believe in market forces when it comes to pay rates?
>>>>> --Bryan
>>>> I do.
>>>> I just don't care for them when the CCP's pseudo-pResident uses
>>>> 'stimulus' as a way to cripple our economy, keep workers at home, and
>>>> distort the supply chain.
>>>> And guess what, it's hitting everywhere at once, lumber, food, computer
>>>> chips, medical workers, the whole danged economy.
>>>> All because, as Pelosi told us: "China would prefer Biden".
>>>> https://youtu.be/arS5qzS95cE
>>>> Well baby they got what they wanted, now didn't they!
>>>> Hows about the rest of us who are literally EATING runaway inflation.
>>>> Cripes.
>>>> China won, we're done.
>>> Yes. It's all going to plan, unfortunately. Who in their right mind
>>> thinks it's economically wise to simply print trillions of dollars and
>>> give it away? The agenda is to crash the economy in order to begin the
>>> transition to a new world wide currency and economy.
>> All so those euro-banksters could slide out from under their fiat
>> currency debt bomb, stick us with massive inflation, a full currency
>> collapse, and then come back in any buy everything up on the cheap.
>> And the Hell of it is they actually seem to have gotten the Chicoms to
>> do their bidding!
>> What you want to bet that the CCP has plans for them too.
>> Why can't your average Joe see what the game is?
>> I know, they own our mass media top to bottom too.
>> Looks bad man, real bad.
> Please tell me they don't own NewsMax. Heck, they're one of the last
> sources of *alternative truth*.
> --Bryan
Aw really?
That sucker went in the tank along with half of Faux Snooze!