Attention Caviar Lovers!
Hark! I heard (Emperor's Roe) say:
> > I'm amazed how many people read spam.
> Some commercial messages aren't spam. This particular posting is
> relevant to this newsgroup - and we don't send out unsolicited emails.
You may be thinking of the old description of spam. I used to maintain
a help site for Usenet newbies:
"Excessive Multiple Posting (EMP), in which identical or nearly
identical posts are sent, singularly, to a large number of off-topic
groups. It's commonly known as 'spam'."
But that was *years* ago -- today's accepted meaning of "spam" is
any unsolicited post or e-mail that is commercial in nature. While
I can't find the original charter for RFC (if, indeed, one exists),
I find it hard to believe that commercial postings were requested;
certainly the bulk of RFC readers today don't want them.
If you want to discuss cooking and have your web address in your
sig, then welcome! But if all you want to do is push your product,
do so elsewhere; preferrably not on Usenet...
j.j. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
...fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!